The world of summoners ,against the power of interdimensional
The world of summoners ,against the power of interdimensional
<div class="read"> <p><span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; color: rgb(84, 141, 212); font-size: 18px;">Social game play quality, card game play value, this seems to be a game world theoretical.</span></p><p><span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; color: rgb(84, 141, 212);"><br></span></p><p><span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 14px;">Social games and card games are distinct in terms of system settings and user base positioning, but Summoners War combines the two together. Although Summoners War has a similar card game, it is supported by a rich plot, challenging RPG elements, and the developer has put a lot of effort into the strategy and development of a long system.</span></p><p><span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 14px;">In addition, the game also incorporates interesting social elements, in addition to the common friends to help battle and friends gift board, there is a discussion forum dedicated to each magic spirit, as well as help friends to collect pieces into the secret city of the underground set, catering to the socialization needs of the current hand game players.</span></p><p><img src=""></p><p><br></p><p><span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; color: rgb(84, 141, 212); font-size: 18px;">The main focus is on PvP real-time competition, with a strong emphasis on strategy.</span><br></p><p><br></p><p><span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 14px;">The game has attribute grammatical relationships, so players have to make different team configurations in the face of different enemies. Elemental restraint relationship can greatly determine the attack power of the magic spirit, for example, water elemental magic spirit to attack the fire elemental magic spirit, there will be a greater increase in damage.</span></p><p><span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 14px;">In addition to the elemental restraint relationship, there are also offensive, defensive and auxiliary types of magical spirits, which will determine the fighting ability of the magical spirits, a reasonable mix of lineups to effectively overcome the enemy to win.</span></p><p><span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 14px;">In the game, there is also the skill interruption mechanism of the magic spirit. This mechanism, similar to the "bounce back" operation in action games, requires timing. Some magical spirits can release their skills to interrupt the enemy before they can release their skills. The proper use of this mechanism can greatly reduce the difficulty of the battle and lower the output of the opponent. With the right magic spirit runes and control the release of the magic spirit skills, you can play a huge combat power and kill thousands of enemies in seconds.</span></p><p><span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 14px;">In addition, the game also introduces "management elements", players can build a floating island summoning, strengthening, evolution and other facilities with various functions, enhancing the fun of the game.</span></p><p><img src=""></p><p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212); font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 18px;">Raise an army for a thousand days, use an army for a moment</span></p><p><br></p><p><span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 14px;">Now which game does not have the element of raising? I think the mainstream handheld games nowadays, should basically have it ....... Of course this game, naturally, is not an exception.</span></p><p><span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 14px;">The good thing is, the threshold of nurturing is very low, compared to other multi-line nurturing mechanism, in this game, as long as you complete the daily tasks to get the treasure chest, you can open the pieces used to upgrade the character and skills, so the initial nurturing is not very laborious.</span></p><p><span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 14px;">If you're new to the world of Summoner Wars, the characters will be new to you. But for fans of the long-running franchise, they'll be happy to see their favorite heroes re-imagined with awesome new character designs and cool action animations.</span></p><p><img src=""></p><p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212); font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 18px;">Those who are good at defending, hide under the nine earths, and those who are good at attacking, move above the nine heavens, and are able to protect their own bodies and win all.</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212); font-family: 宋体, SimSun;"></span><span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 14px;"></span></p><p><span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 14px;">On the one hand, observe the situation on the battlefield and put in the most suitable troops, on the other hand, discard some fighters that are useless for the battlefield to keep the magic power somewhat abundant, in other words, it constantly tests the player's ability to control the fighters, the ability to analyze the battlefield....</span></p><p><span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 14px;">In the second stage, players must consider the layout, positioning, enemy movements ... and so on, which fighters to go first to the opponent's battle position, to prevent the other summon, or to hold the line of battle, so as to avoid the other side to advance, or to single-handedly take the other player's summoner.</span></p><p><span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 14px;">The only player who can do both is the strongest "summoner".</span></p><p><span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 14px;"></span><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212); font-family: 宋体, SimSun;"><br></span><br></p><p><br></p> </div>


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